Pickleball Courts in Rome

  • pickleball courts in Rome: join the fun at Sporting Club Ostiense


Until recently, when people talked about pickleball courts in Rome, few really knew what it was.

Today, thanks to a strong media presence, it’s clear that it’s the hottest new sport around!

Straight from the USA, Pickleball has taken off immediately, convincing and engaging everyone who’s tried it. Pickleball, after all, is nothing more than a fun fusion of different racket and ball sports!

Want to have a blast, get in shape, and make new friends? Pickleball courts in Rome is the answer! That’s why we’re excited to announce the addition of four new Pickleball courts to our facility.

Playing pickleball can be an incredible gaming experience, whether you’re playing doubles or singles, challenging a friend. It’s a light, fast, fun sport, but also technical and spectacular. Pickleball is easy to learn and is suitable for everyone.

Want to know how it works? We’ll break down the rules for you and show you why it’s the perfect sport to stay active and social.

Pickleball courts in Rome: a detailed overview

Before we dive into how to play pickleball in Rome, let’s talk about the court! Pickleball courts in Rome are rectangular, measuring approximately 20 feet wide and 44 feet long.

The KITCHEN (or non-volley zone) is a restricted area that runs parallel to the net, approximately 7 feet from the net on both sides. Any lines marking the kitchen are considered part of this zone. Within the kitchen, volleying the ball (hitting it before it bounces) is strictly prohibited. To volley the ball, at least one foot must be outside the kitchen lines so, keep your feet out of there unless you want to lose the point!.

The area beyond the kitchen is known as the SERVICE AREA. This area is bordered by the side lines and the baseline. The center line, perpendicular to the net, divides the service area into a right and left service court. The service area is where the fun really happens! You serve from behind the baseline, and the ball has to bounce once before you can hit it back. After that first bounce, you can volley all you want (as long as you’re out of the kitchen!).

The baselines run parallel to the net and are located at each end of the court. The sidelines run perpendicular to the net on each side of the court. All lines are considered part of the playing area. This means that, except for the serve within the kitchen, any ball in play that lands in or on any line is considered “in”.

The net has a minimum height of approximately 34 inches at the center and 36 inches at the ends, near the posts.

Pickleball courts in Rome: keep it simple!

What are the rules on a pickleball court in Rome? Well, they’re pretty straightforward! Grab a buddy and a paddle, and we’ll handle the rest.

First things first, you can play pickleball singles or doubles. The rules are super simple: the ball can only bounce once on each side, and just like tennis, it can’t go out of bounds. To score a point, you need to make your opponent miss the ball. 

How long is a pickleball game? Typically around 50 minutes. The first player or team to reach the target score (usually 11, 15, or 21 points) wins. If the ball lands in the correct part of the court, your opponent can return it. But if it goes out or hits the net, you score a point. And remember, don’t forget about the kitchen – you can’t volley the ball from there!

A game of pickleball can get intense really fast! Because the court is smaller, the game is super quick and exciting, but also really technical. To win, you’ll often want to use soft, low shots like the dink, which targets your opponent’s feet. This can make it hard for them to hit a powerful shot and puts them in a tough spot when they’re close to the kitchen.

A quick guide to Pickleball rules

As mentioned earlier, pickleball courts in Rome are smaller than tennis or padel courts. Here are the main rules to keep in mind:

  • Serve: The serve must be made with both feet behind the baseline and over the net, diagonally into the opponent’s court. The ball must be dropped and hit underhand, below the waist. The racket head should not go above your wrist when striking the ball.
  • Serving Faults: The serving team is allowed one fault before the serve changes sides (sideout). After that, each member of the serving team serves until they make a fault.
  • Two-Bounce Rule: After the serve, the ball must bounce once on each side before volleying is allowed.
  • Kitchen Rule: The most important rule: never volley the ball in the kitchen!
  • Scoring: A team can only score points when serving. The first team to reach 11 points by a margin of two wins the game.

If you have any doubts, don’t worry! Our pickleball instructors in Rome are always available to explain the rules, strategies, basic techniques, and even give you a quick demonstration!